Players and Builders
Especially when you’re in the middle of it, in the field of tension between the two groups. It’s about the “players” and the “builders”. You may already be nodding in agreement or you may have a big question mark over your head. I’ll try an example first, then it will become clearer what I mean.
In kindergarten – an example
Imagine a group of children in kindergarten and a pile of building blocks. Huge chaos, great fun, everyone starts doing something. Even if it seems that way at first glance, not all children play with these building blocks in the same way.
I’m not talking about individual differences in behavior; of course, each child plays a little differently than the others. No, there are, roughly speaking, two groups of children who interact very differently with the blocks and with each other.
And these two groups aren’t always compatible, which often leads to tears and, in extreme cases, deep frustration. The “Players” and the “Builders.” There’s no judgment here—both are good, but both need to be understood.
Most of the children will probably be the “Players.” They play with the blocks and whatever else is available. They build something together, giggle, chatter, and incorporate their dolls or toy cars into the game.
In between, they may throw the blocks around, wrestle a bit, sing, laugh, and then return to the other kids and the blocks. They’re clearly having a lot of fun. They might argue sometimes but have fun again shortly after. It’s all about the group, open to anyone who wants to join.
The classic definition of fun is the priority here. There’s no “higher goal” – it’s all about enjoying the moment. The Players live in the here and now, relishing life. They’re often in a good mood, laugh, and love being surrounded by other kids. They constantly come up with new ideas and are always active.
They also have a magnetic pull on other kids because they’re fun to be around, and they’re usually kind-hearted people.
Then there are the Builders. They seem to have less fun, appearing more serious. They are alone or in very small, closed-off groups. Sometimes it seems like they’re not even participating, just sitting there, watching, observing. And—this is crucial to understand—they’re not playing, they’re building. That’s a key difference. You can play with blocks, or you can build with them.
They have a plan, and they execute it. Not a plan like an architect, after all, they’re still little kids.
But maybe they’ve decided to build a big tower, and so they build a big tower. Often alone because the plan is in their head. Only in their head. Sometimes these kids live more in their heads than in the “real” world. But not always. They build their thing, stick to it, and end up with a tower. Not infrequently, the tallest one the kindergarten has ever seen.
It’s not about having a tower for them; it’s about building one. Not playing, building. Creating. Purposeful. Often alone, because when a Builder has a plan, their whole life energy is focused on making that plan a reality. Exactly as it exists in their head.
Builders often come across as distant, sometimes strange. Or even arrogant. They don’t want anyone to “play” with them. Maybe they’ll allow someone to help build, but definitely not to play. And that’s where the big problems begin.
Both can exist in a kindergarten—Players or Builders, or rather, Players AND Builders. And that’s where the clashes happen. Because they don’t understand each other. They’re children in kindergarten, and children at that age don’t “understand” other kids’ behavior. It’s due to their age. That’s where adults need to step in to mediate. But first, adults need to understand what’s going on.
It’s not uncommon for a Player, in their burst of energy, to knock over a Builder’s tower. Or something might fly through the air and destroy their creation, either before it’s finished or after. Or the Player just wants to join in the fun. But the Builder rudely rejects them, which the Player can’t understand. They want fun, they want friends, they want to play. Why are they causing trouble? They don’t get it. Why can’t they laugh when the tower comes crashing down? It’s not that big of a deal.
And that’s when the trouble starts.
It’s just a silly tower made of blocks—why is the Builder getting so upset? … well, objectively, maybe it is. But what if, in that moment, the tower is the Builder’s entire world? What if that Builder has put all their life energy into this one project? What if the plan, the goal, is their whole life right now? And the Player not only destroys it but laughs about it?
A Player will never understand that. They’re here, there, and somewhere else the next second, always living in the moment. Not in the future, and certainly not in a plan. They won’t understand why the Builder is crying so bitterly, why they withdraw, why they are sad and desperate.
They’ll see the Builder as “weird” for a second, and then their thoughts are already somewhere else. The Player CAN’T understand. It’s not in their nature.
And Builders despair over never “belonging.” They despair that no one sees their effort, no one understands what they’re doing and why. No one sees the sense in their actions. They become outsiders, standing outside while the party is inside.
Now you might say, “well, kids are just different.”
As adults
But it’s not about a childlike behavior pattern that “grows out.” It’s about fundamentally different approaches to the world. And depending on how pronounced they are, they can lead to significant problems later in life.
Not all people exhibit such clear behavior patterns that they can be definitively classified. But some do.
Problems arise when Players and Builders cross paths in the world, whether professionally, privately, or even politically, and are unaware of their core patterns. Many people don’t even know that different core patterns exist. Who has the time in their action-packed life to think about something like that? Builders might, out of necessity. Players, less so. After all, they’re busy with their party and many friends, and life is good for them.
Players and builders in adult life
Adults also have their building blocks. Of course, they’re different, and they don’t look like children’s toys. But the principle remains the same. The distinction between these two groups is never entirely clear.
Players can build things, and Builders can play. There are many hybrids who get along just fine. But there are also those who are more clearly defined, and they can clash like cats and dogs—drawn to each other but repelling each other intensely.
The builders
Here we have the Builders, with a plan or several plans. They derive joy and satisfaction from implementing plans. Building something, creating and maintaining something.
A builder enjoys building a company. He can sit in the office and work 16 hours a day. He can build a house, he can save and invest. He can plan. He can also plan a family or a relationship. Build something.
Sometimes too much, builders often live too much in the future. But they also see it through. Even if what they do seems banal to the observer. They go through with it and then it works. Most of the time anyway. If the others help build it or at least don’t stand in the way.
The players
And there are the Players, who find joy in bouncing around, partying, and spreading good vibes. They also build things, but often not as purposefully. These are often people with lots of friends who love to enjoy life and have fun.
They are the center of attention, don’t take life too seriously and trust that things will work out somehow. They don’t have a great deal of love for firm commitments, and they don’t like to worry about things like “old-age provision”. Someone will pay, somehow it will work out.
Building for the future is boring—it’s tedious, it’s work. That doesn’t mean they aren’t successful. Just look at the world of artists or athletes—there are many Players there. But they’re all playing, not building. Often, they have a Builder by their side. Or Builders have Players by their side. THAT can be extremely successful.
The builders can’t understand the players, because why do they never build anything? Why do they do so much at once and nothing right? Why don’t they stick to the task at hand? Why do you always have to save them because they don’t think ahead themselves? Why don’t they develop? They must understand!
A pure Builder can despair over these questions. Especially when it involves people close to them, like a partner or even their own children. Why doesn’t this person see the seriousness of the situation? Why do they ignore all the good advice, why don’t they build something for themselves?
Why do they waste their time on nonsense, not using it purposefully? Builders always feel like they need to rescue the Players or at least push them through life. And they never get a thank you—in fact, if things go badly, they just get ridiculed and end up standing alone.
The players really don’t understand the seriousness of the builders. Why aren’t they having fun? They have to have fun sometimes, don’t they? Why do they always analyze everything? Why are they so determined? What’s the point? Does everything always work out anyway? Why is he angry again? I haven’t done anything.
The Player won’t put nearly as much energy into understanding the Builder as the Builder does in the other direction, because the Player has far more ways to operate in the world and evade issues. Players don’t analyze; they laugh, mock, and then move on without looking back.
This imbalance can lead to big problems. And to a lot of pain, usually for the Builders. They often feel like Players are toying with them. But Builders don’t know how to play, and they almost always lose.
The Players often have no idea why the Builder suddenly seems “weird.” Why they withdraw or turn into a malicious narcissist and start playing with people themselves.
Spiritual builders
It gets even more complicated if a Builder has spiritual abilities, perceiving many levels, not just the material one.
They are at risk of seeing the Player on every level of their life. And what they see isn’t just the fun, good vibes, and play. No, they also perceive the pain behind it. The Builder perceives it, not the Player! The Player can’t, and never will.
If the builder then reacts to the level that the player doesn’t see at all, perhaps not in his entire life, he only reaps even more incomprehension and even more ridicule.
The opportunities
They are two fundamentally different types of people and each of them is just right the way they are. Neither can be made to change their entire nature. A solution can therefore only consist of understanding the “other side” and categorizing their actions.
The problem and the pain are usually with the Builder, and if you’ve read this far, you’re probably a Builder. So the solution must come from YOU, the Builder. The Player doesn’t see a problem, and they don’t analyze. They do what they do best: play.
The Builder is called upon to understand the issue. To understand the Player’s nature, their own nature, and the problems that arise between them. And then to implement what they’ve understood in daily life.
Changing the way they deal with Players. Because they’re not wrong—they can even be included in the Builder’s plan. Whenever good vibes are needed, or artistic expression. Or when people need to be inspired, brought together.
Players are very good at that. But you can’t put them in too tight of a corset and can’t expect anything from them that they’re not capable of. That may also mean letting go of people who, in their nature, don’t fit with you at all.
Whatever the solution looks like, it always begins with understanding the connections and understanding yourself. Those who know why they react the way they do can work on themselves and design their life so that the people in it work together. And everyone else can be removed.
Feel free to ask me any questions:
The magazine subscription metaphor
A story
Imagine you take out a subscription to a magazine. Maybe one of those gardening magazines because you want to start your own garden or because you are simply interested in beautiful design. You simply enjoy reading it. Alternatively, something about cars or fashion or shares.
You read it for a while, but you don’t really have the time. Sure, the magazine continues to arrive every week and you’re happy that it comes. But you don’t really have the time to read it.
But maybe later. You put it on the table and after a week the next one arrives and you haven’t even looked at the previous one. But maybe at the weekend.
The amount is debited once a month, which is starting to get on your nerves a bit. It’s not a lot of money, but it is a bit. But it doesn’t really affect you. Even the fact that you have to put the older copies aside at some point doesn’t really bother you.
Just have a small pile on the sideboard, you’ll find time for it at some point. Maybe on vacation. Until then, the pile will get bigger every week and you’ll be debiting it every month. But you’re completely ignoring that now. Otherwise you’ll just get annoyed and who wants to get annoyed?
Until a friend says at some point, “why don’t you cancel the subscription?” … “yeah … are you crazy?”, “it’s my hobby, the gardening”, “do you want me to stop having fun?”
Having to cancel your subscription really pisses you off. Yes, of course, you don’t need it and you don’t read the stuff either and you now live on the seventh floor in the city … or you’re no longer interested in cars or shares. But the subscription stays!
Do you see where I’m going with this?
Sometimes we have issues in life that we drag along with us. They annoy us a little from time to time, but never so much that we really look at them. Not the really difficult childhood and not that one traumatic event or illness that forces us to do so. Nothing that really stands out, that you have to work on.
Maybe the topics only ever come up when we see the parents and siblings at family gatherings, but then we always get into really nasty arguments.
Or it only shows up when that one stupid colleague says something. Or you keep getting involved with the same type of partner, which then always goes wrong in the same way.
Or you always jump when your mother, children or partner want something, even though you don’t want to, and you get annoyed every time afterwards. But then you forget about it because the next distraction is there or the TV is on and you don’t have time anyway.
You may also realize that you are the same to your children as your parents are to you, even though you never wanted to be like them.
Maybe you keep messing up your finances just when you’re about to get on a green branch. But you can blame it on someone else, it’s not that bad … it’s just annoying.
The examples are endless, you know them, these issues that trigger you, annoy you, rob you of your strength… but somehow never so strongly that you really get to grips with them. Because you don’t know exactly how and where it will lead you. Because you can get over it with a glass of wine or a beer. Or with a bit of fun and positive thinking.
Like this subscription. You know you don’t need it, but you don’t want to cancel it either. But it’s costing you energy, you realize that.
What if there are a lot of them?
Now there are people out there who don’t just have one subscription. They have 753 of them. And not just one stack of magazines, but 753 of them. All meters high and close together. It’s like the whole place is full of them, you can hardly get through.
They do, because they have practiced. If necessary, they do yoga, which makes them flexible enough to get through the stacks without any problems and yoga does so much for you. Works great. Sometimes it’s annoying because the piles don’t go away, but as long as you ignore them and wriggle your way through, everything is fine.
We simply don’t look at the account, then we don’t see the 753 debits either. Everything is fine the way it is. You just have to relax from time to time and “refuel” somewhere. There’s nothing you can do anyway, isn’t there?
And then a new partner, boss, colleague, neighbor, etc. comes into their lives and because they don’t know the stacks, sooner or later they will knock you over.
And then you have the salad. Everything’s a mess in the apartment, you can’t get the door open, the wine is spilt, it’s a huge mess.
That stupid ass… why can’t he pay attention? You’ll quickly throw the stupid jerk out of your life. This is the twelfth time you’ve stupidly caught the wrong person, another toxic narcissist who doesn’t watch where he’s going, why does it always happen to you? They’re all the same anyway. Have a quick beer … or go to yoga.
Why only?
Well, why does it always happen to you? Why do you always catch the one who can’t cope with all the piles of magazines in your life and always knocks one over? Or all of them.
Or is the problem not this guy, but your 753 subscriptions for the 753 stacks in your living room? That would be a thought to pursue, wouldn’t it?
Who wants to be in your life if they have to muddle through in exactly the same way as you do? Who does that to themselves? Who CAN do that? Sure, you can wait for that one super prince or super boss, or for your parents to finally die or for you to win the lottery. But that won’t solve the problem.
Your piles stay and get bigger and bigger. Until you start canceling those subscriptions.
Yes, of course, it’s not that easy. Some of them you didn’t even take out yourself, you got them from someone else. Others you’ve had for ages and some you don’t even know about.
It’s hard to get there on your own, you need someone who can see the subscriptions and where they come from. Someone who can help you cancel them one by one, someone who can help you get rid of all the old paper, someone who can help you deal with all the free space and all the free energy you’ll then have. You realize that no one is going to do that for you. You’ll have to do it yourself. You also have to decide first.
It’s not that easy. But if it were easy, you wouldn’t have the problem, would you?
Once the decision has been made, you are welcome to contact me, because I have answers for the “how” and I will be happy to give them to you.
Burnt out and at the end. The burnout.
The literal translation of the term burnout is “being burnt out”. And that says it all: burnout is a state of total physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. Interestingly, the “official” definitions also refer to reduced performance.
Which is true, in burnout you are not “able to perform” at all. But emphasizing this only makes sense if the purpose of recovering from burnout is to restore performance. Which leads us directly and immediately to the core of this article.
To perform or not to perform? That is the question here
We live in a meritocracy, at least that’s one of the buzzwords that comes up again and again when it comes to burnout, stress, demotivation or social issues in general. But what is this meritocracy supposed to be?
And compared to what is it? If we look back a few centuries, we quickly realize that people used to work a lot more, i.e. “achieve”, than they do today. In rural areas in particular, people naturally worked from sunrise to sunset, six days a week, sometimes seven.
And not somewhere in an air-conditioned office, but with a hoe in the field. Where were all the burnouts back then?
If we don’t go back quite so far, perhaps only one or two generations, we still see a significantly higher workload than is normal for most people today. Nevertheless, burnouts seem to be much more common in this day and age and stress is already part of the norm.
It’s obviously not about simply being overworked. Even today, there are people who work incredibly hard all their lives and don’t even come close to burnout. Why are they doing well if too much work is supposed to be a trigger?
Well, work is not the trigger.
There is even the term “boreout”, a kind of burnout caused by boredom. I can tell you a thing or two about it myself: I started my career as a chemical laboratory technician at Stadtwerke München and I had days with just 2-3 hours of effective work. I did the rest of it and looked more or less busy.
That was more stressful than any stress I ever had afterwards. I quit there quite soon, if I had stayed, who knows how my health would have developed.
But what is the core of stress, burnout and boreout? Where is the problem really?
From a shamanic perspective
From a shamanic point of view, we are spiritual beings who incarnate here in the material world. In other words, we create a body to embody ourselves here in this dual world. And we don’t do this just like that, but with the aim of having experiences.
The kind of experience that is only possible in a material world. We certainly do that quite often, but we rarely really remember it.
What we also do not clearly remember is what we want to experience in the current incarnation and also what abilities and dispositions we have brought with us for this.
Ideally, we develop this in our childhood and live life to our full potential as adults. And we live what we came here to do. You guessed it, this case is ideal but rather theoretical.
Because we arrive in a ready-made system to which we first have to adapt. See my article on this: What are soul parts.
Against ourselves
If we have ended up in a construct of behavioral patterns and hidden soul parts that run counter to us and our very own energy, it costs us so much energy that at some point we literally collapse under the weight.
One symptom of such a breakdown is burnout. And if you’ve read this far, you’ll probably realize why restoring our performance can’t be the solution.
After all, it ensures that we continue with the very thing that caused us to collapse. That may well be good for everyone who benefits from our performance. But it’s not good for the person affected. Because sooner or later they will collapse again.
Example from life
Let’s call her Petra. The name is fictitious, but the story behind it is not. Petra is an employee in a corporate group. Middle management, good salary, demanding job.
Her starting point was not ideal. She comes from a working-class family, her father a locksmith and her mother a housewife. Nothing wrong with that, her childhood wasn’t exactly lavish, but she had everything she needed.
From an early age, her parents worked towards her “becoming something”. She should be better off, have to work less and earn more. And so she was guided through school until she graduated.
After that, I did a commercial apprenticeship, which was all I could afford, but still. Much better than the “old trade” with all the drudgery.
Then came the career. It was tempting for her. Suddenly earning a lot of money by her standards. Fourteen monthly salaries, then came the company car and now she flies business class.
This brings with it status and, of course, the opportunity to make a good material living. Sure, it’s a lot of work, but her father worked a lot back then too. For a fraction of the money she earns now.
Then came the collapse. From one day to the next. Dizziness, trembling, fainting, depression, sick note. Completely out of the blue. Although … it wasn’t completely out of the blue, she had always felt that what she was doing wasn’t quite right. But it doesn’t help, a job is a job and she was doing well.
With psychological help and rehab, she got back on her feet and was soon back at work as before. A little more thoughtful perhaps, but just like before.
Then she collapsed again, this time the physical symptoms were alarming. Emergency room, clinic, therapy. Everything started all over again and during the second collapse she began to think about what was fundamentally wrong. Because she had sensed for a long time that something was wrong. She just didn’t want to admit it and there was no alternative. Really not?
And then we worked and started to work out their true nature. We connected them with their very own energy, we worked on very old ancestral issues and on many a “healed” childhood trauma. We worked on beliefs, deep convictions, blind spots, fears and a lot of guilt and shame.
In the end, she realized that she had worked her whole life to play a role that was unconsciously prescribed to her. Mainly by her parents, who of course meant well. She had worked to achieve goals that were not hers. She tried to achieve a status that did not correspond to her nature at all.
And this has led to a perpetual battle against itself. And you can neither win nor lose a fight like that. You can only end it.
She ended it by realizing who she really is and what she wants to do here. She still has a job, but a completely different one in a completely different industry. And for the first time in her life, she has the feeling that she is going her own way. With joy and a good portion of lightness.
So what is to be done? The way out
The only way to really get out of such a situation is to follow your own energy. Living your own energy. And in a way that suits you and your purpose here in this world.
That sounds very vague now, because if you knew what your parts are, what your energy really is, why you’re here, then you wouldn’t have ended up in burnout.
But that is precisely the core of my work. I can see you with all your energy, with all your parts. Especially with those you don’t bring into your life. And I can guide you there, accompany you in making the connection. Because I not only see you, I also see what I have to do to bring you to yourself. Where you couldn’t look before.
I won’t tell you the story about the dog, I’ll take you there myself. So that YOU recognize who you are. This will reveal your true path and once you see it, you can walk it.
In the end, you will bring your energy into life and go your own way. How much work you then have, whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur, whether you earn a lot or a little money or where and how you live will be determined. In any case, it will be your work that corresponds to your energy.
You can’t burn out on your own energy. That is not possible. If you have any questions or recognize yourself, feel free to send me an email without obligation:
The root chakra
The chakras
In a nutshell, our chakras are energy centers in our aura, i.e. the energy field that surrounds us in our material incarnation. The chakras establish the connection between the physical body of a person, the various layers of their aura and the energy channels of the universe.
The chakras connect us to the source of our life energy. And this is a primordial shamanic principle, even if the term “chakra” comes from the Far Eastern wisdom traditions of Hinduism, Tantra, yoga and Buddhism. The term comes from Sanskrit and means “circle” or “wheel”.
But chakras are also known from the Jewish Kabbalah and the Christian mystery schools. Many indigenous peoples such as the Maya and the Aztecs also worked with them. They are also known from the Tibetan Bon religion, from the Tsalgi (Cherokee) Indians in North America and even from the African Zulu.
And of course they have always existed in our culture, even if their representation was rather subtle. But if you take a closer look at the halo, it is nothing other than the radiance of the crown chakra. While a throne represents the support of the root chakra.
Shamans and energy
This means that shamans have always worked with the chakras, even if they may have done it differently than today’s yoga teachings. And of course with other terms.
The chakras are often understood as the “connection points” of the energy channels that run through the human body. They can be imagined as alternately right or left rotating subtle or energetic energy wheels or energy vortices. However, this representation is very simplified.
There are people who can actually see chakras, many can feel them and this perception is slightly different for everyone. Ultimately, energy has no fixed form anyway and can only ever be described inadequately. Entire books could be filled without having a comprehensive description.
The flow of energy within the human body and its exchange with its aura and the spiritual world is of the utmost importance. Because a person who is not properly connected to the energy of the universe will not have enough life energy available to make his way in the material world.
The seven main chakras
Root chakra (Muladhara)
Sacral chakra (Swadhisthana)
Solar plexus chakra (Manipura)
Heart chakra (Anahata)
Throat chakra (Vishuddha)
Forehead chakra / third eye (Ajna)
Crown chakra / crown chakra (Sahasrara)
More on this in the article: Chakra and chakra work in shamanism
The root chakra
The root chakra, also known as the Muladhara chakra, is the first of the seven main chakras.
It is the seat of our primal energy and it is the direct connection between us and Mother Earth, the supporting ground of our material existence. And that’s exactly what makes it so incredibly important.
The consequences of a blocked root chakra are insecurity, fear, doubt or even excessive feelings of shame and guilt. Material symptoms such as obesity, depression and illness are also often linked to this.
If the connection to the load-bearing floor is disturbed, you will not feel safe. And when you don’t feel safe, you inevitably start to cling to things or aspects of your environment. But this can never be a substitute for connecting to your own primal energy.
This feeling of insecurity will make you do things you don’t really want to do. It will make you tolerate people around you who are not good for you. It will promote and retain “toxic” compounds. It will ensure that you continue to repeat old patterns, seemingly without being able to do anything about it.
It will end up making you sick and addicted. It often leads to obesity because the body tries to compensate for the lack of energy with food. Which of course does not work. A vicious circle.
People with a disturbed connection to the root chakra often find themselves in unhealthy relationship patterns, and always in the same ones. From the relationship with the parents to the partner to the children and grandchildren.
A lack of connection to your own primal energy can have an impact professionally, or often also financially. You literally can’t get a leg on the ground. Always feels torn out, uprooted or as if on black ice. It doesn’t solve itself, you have to actively work on it. Either on your own or with professional help.
A first exercise
There is an exercise for the root chakra that you can do regularly to support the process of reconnection. Maybe you already know it, it is quite common. But still do them regularly for a while:
Sit down, relax, concentrate on your breath. Feel the air being sucked into your lungs and out again. Let yourself go, concentrate on your breath.
And when you’re ready, start putting down roots. Feel how the first tentative shoots grow out of you, into Mother Earth. Deeper and deeper, more and more branched, stronger and stronger.
Until they reach the center of the earth. Then begin to draw the energy of Mother Earth up to you with each inhalation. Absorb the energy until it fills you completely.
Do this exercise as often as possible, it will get easier each time and eventually it will become normal. You will find that you can also do them standing up and even walking. It even works perfectly in an airplane at an altitude of 10,000 meters.
What I can do for you
As valuable as this exercise is, it is usually not enough on its own. Because the blockages are so deep in your system that you need to actively work on them. And the root chakra is not everything, there are many more starting points.
In this case, I would be happy to work with you, take a look at my starter package or send me an email:
What are soul parts?
The soul
Explanations of the concept of the soul alone vary widely. Every belief system, every religion and, of course, every spiritual direction has its very own model of explanation. Does a human being have a soul? And if so, where does it sit and what does it look like?
You won’t find THE one truth in this article either. But let me explain how I see it.
In my understanding, “the soul” is nothing other than the spiritual being that we are. Our familiar material world is not everything, it is only a small part of the whole. Fundamentally, we are energy.
Spiritual beings in a dimension without space and time. We create our material world from this energy and incarnate in it. This means that we create a body in order to be able to act in matter.
The soul is nothing other than our energy with which we create our matter and act within it. And we do this time and time again. When our material life is over, we return to the level of energy and from there we come back. Into a new life.
The question of why we do this is a very good one. I often reply jokingly that I’ve probably lost a bet and that’s why I have to be here … 🙂 But joking aside, I think we do this to gain experience.
To develop ourselves. To experience something like duality or dense matter, which cannot exist on the purely spiritual level. I cannot answer whether we only incarnate here in this world or whether there are an infinite number of different ones. In principle, I think both are possible.
But how can it be that soul parts are lost? Is that even possible? So, if the soul is the energy with which we incarnate here, then none of it can actually disappear anywhere, can it?
That is not what is meant. Basically, each of us incarnates with our full energy. Nothing is missing, everything you need is there. Always.
But in this incarnation we often find ourselves in situations very early on that make it difficult for us to use all this energy in matter. Especially when we bring skills with us that are not seen or not wanted in the environment in which we end up.
If this happens in early childhood or even before we are born, then we adapt and put the parts of our energy that we cannot use into a drawer, so to speak, and we close it.
And forget that this drawer exists or what’s in it. And this is exactly what the shaman means when he speaks of a split-off or lost part of the soul. It’s not really lost, it’s just stored away and usually forgotten.
Like a tool that you have in the cellar, but you no longer know that you have it. And you don’t seem to need it either, because you can somehow manage your things with other tools. You may feel that something is missing, but you don’t know what.
But shares that you have already brought into life can also find their way into such a drawer. Trauma is a common cause. In other words, everything that you experience but cannot process at that moment.
This can be a drastic experience such as an accident or violence. But also seemingly small things that you may not even perceive as traumatic. This can be something sudden or a situation that has been tormenting you for a long time and to which you seem to be helplessly at the mercy of.
Since people are not made to actively carry unresolved problems with them, they put them aside. In a drawer like this. Together with the part of his energy that seems to have triggered the problem. In this way, the problematic part of life is excluded and locked away.
Imagine you have a car and suddenly the air conditioning stops working. Instead of having it repaired because that may not be possible at the moment, you remove it completely and store it in the cellar. You forget them there. From now on, you’ll be driving without air conditioning. It works, but you just sweat.
Not so bad, you say now. Imagine it’s the engine …
But on with the text …
The same applies to parts of ourselves that seem socially or morally undesirable. With the “dark” parts of us, with the “evil” parts. With everything that “one” does not do, does not live, does not say.
What that is always depends on the social and religious context in which we find ourselves. Classic themes include sexuality, but also money and power. These are complexes that are often suppressed, marginalized and tainted with guilt and shame. So we put them in the drawer.
Even our “normal” everyday life can cause us to store parts of ourselves. Job, children, school, money, everyday life itself, can overwhelm us to such an extent that we limit our lives to pure functioning.
The car again
Imagine it drives perfectly. But the society you live in condemns it if you move fast. People see it as bad if you are fast. So you throttle the engine so that your car only drives at 30 km/h. Now you have to live with it and at some point you forget that it could actually go 200. You’re at a big disadvantage because of it, but you no longer know that you can change that.
But what then?
So when the shaman talks about split-off or lost soul parts, he means the parts that you have in your drawers. Some have been with you all your life, others perhaps only recently.
What they have in common is that they are not gone. They are there and they want to be lived. Whether you are aware of it or not. And these parts report back to you. They do this very timidly at first, but if you ignore them they become louder.
If you’ve ever tried to ignore a small child, you’ll know what I mean. It doesn’t stop tugging at you, it just gets louder and louder and at some point it goes completely berserk.
Soul parts do this too. They pull, they scream and if you don’t listen, you get sick. This can be classic depression or burnout, or it can be physical illnesses.
It could be tinnitus, it could be a cold every two months, it could be a migraine or stomach ache, it could be cancer. And this increases the longer you ignore it.
Addictions, from nicotine and alcohol to hard drugs and adrenaline, can also be desperate cries from your stored parts. Or you suffer for long periods of time without being able to pinpoint exactly what it is. There is always a latent feeling of dissatisfaction, of being uprooted, of not belonging.
And time and again we find ourselves in situations that aggravate our symptoms, make us feel powerless and helpless, overwhelm us emotionally and seem to be stimulated from outside. Without being able to see a solution.
In this context, we speak of “triggers”. Triggers that seem to come from outside and repeatedly put their finger in precisely those of our wounds that hurt the most.
In addition to the illnesses already mentioned, “stored” soul parts can also cause other things. They are able to prevent stable partnerships or even any form of partnership.
They are able to prevent us from having children, they are able to put us in financially hopeless situations. They are capable of making our lives so miserable that we are dissatisfied even in outwardly perfect situations.
They prevent us from being happy, they prevent us from feeling joy. They ensure that we always feel homeless and uprooted. They rush us, they torment us, they lead us into the role of victim.
And what they all have in common is that we generally have no idea why we are so miserable while everyone else is happy.
You have locked away a part of yourself, which ultimately means that you cannot enter into a satisfying partnership. You could accept that, of course, but life will seemingly keep nudging you in the nose that you’re missing something.
You will always get into trouble, always see that others seem to be doing better. You will always find yourself in situations that make you suffer terribly. Until you recognize the issue and solve it at the root.
It’s exactly the same with money, power, sexuality, self-determination, etc.
What to do?
As hopeless as it may all seem to you, there is a way out. You just can’t see it yourself. You may know that there are such things as locked away parts of you because you have read my article up to this point. But you can’t see them yourself and you certainly can’t release them.
Your whole system will rebel if you try. Because there was a reason why you locked her away. There are huge fears in between that will prevent you from simply bringing out your parts and living them again.
This is exactly where you can start. It’s about going back to the cause. Wherever this may be, it often leads very far into the past. Sometimes even into your past lives, very often into your ancestral line and almost always into your childhood.
Fears that can split off parts of the soul are often passed down through generations. In such cases, you put the parts of yourself that don’t fit in the drawer before you give birth. So you don’t know them at all.
And if you try to get to it, the patterns of your ancestors from countless generations will turn against you. But it can be solved, you just have to go deep enough and get to the root of the problem.
The goal of the human being is to be fully incarnated. Only then can you be truly happy and healthy in the long term. The aim is to find and reintegrate all these split-off parts piece by piece.
Not so bad
This all sounds terribly dramatic, but in practice it is not. Of course, it sometimes takes overcoming and courage to tackle the very topics that scare you the most. But there is no courage without fear.
I always say: “Behind the greatest fear, lies the coolest path”
What will happen to me then?
Do I have to give away all my money, do I have to leave my family, quit my job, walk the Camino de Santiago or will everyone laugh at me?
Such fears seem to stand in the way of your path. Especially when you are responsible for other people. For your family or your company.
I can reassure you. You will certainly jump over your shadow at one point or another and those around you won’t think everything you do is super great if you go down one path.
But at the end of the day, there is nothing better you can do for your children or your employees than to come into your own power. This is the only way you can accompany them into their power. You don’t have to give away your money or leave your family. Unless you want to.
The process
Of course, this doesn’t work overnight. This is a process that is sometimes longer and sometimes shorter, that can sometimes be painful, but that also brings a lot of joy. And at the end of it, there is a person who can live their soul potential fully and freely.
However long your personal journey may be, it starts with the first step. With the realization that there is a way and with the decision to set off, even without being able to see the destination yet.
Questions, or are you ready to go? Then write to me: or take the first step directly with the starter package.
What will the neighbors think?
The great fear
That is indeed very common and starts within the family. What does the partner think? Do they think I’m stupid? Do they still take me seriously? Can they relate to it? He or she might be more rationally inclined, can’t relate to such things, or doesn’t want to.
Then you finally dare to talk about it, and the first crooked grin comes from your partner – and suddenly you’re the little girl or boy who has never been taken seriously. The child with the ‘vivid imagination,’ the child who always causes trouble and never gets anything right, or the child who always sat on the sidelines.
This is a very real problem and often leads to spiritual people hiding and bending for years or decades. Until they can’t anymore.
A story
The protagonist of the story is entirely fictional; she is a mix of many of my clients who have experienced similar things. Women and men.
Petra, 41 years old, married, mother of two children, lives and works in her hometown at the savings bank. Deputy branch manager, pretty much everyone in the town knows her. The children go to elementary school, she is on the parents’ council, and in several clubs. That’s just how it is when you have lived there your whole life.
It’s going well for her, you might think. But that’s not the case. Because she bends over backwards not to stand out.
It started about 10 years ago. At first, it was ‘just’ a mild depression, nothing dramatic, she managed it inconspicuously. A short therapy, a bit of ‘sick leave,’ no one noticed. Maybe no one wanted to notice, as people don’t like to deal with such things.
Now she functions again, anyway. She has to at the savings bank too, because the customers there are quite conservative and there’s a lot of gossip.
But something is fermenting inside her that is almost eating her up. There’s something there. She discovered this after the therapy. When she was looking for what she was really missing. There was such a pulling inside her, such a burning, as if a part of her had developed a life of its own. Very difficult to describe and not to talk about anyway.
She started doing yoga back then and then ended up in this meditation circle. There she met people who were really spiritual. For the first time in her life, she felt understood and seen.
And she has slowly figured out what she is missing. She has realized that she also perceives more than most other people. That she can see really deeply, at soul level. That she simply knows things that others don’t know. That she can lay her hands on them and actually make a difference.
Not only with their own children, but also with complete strangers. Recognizing that did her good. But it also made her lonely. Apart from this small circle of spiritual people, she couldn’t talk to anyone about it.
At some point she told her husband and he was really understanding. At least on the surface. He just didn’t take them seriously. It was a bit uncomfortable for him. What are people supposed to say? The topic was quickly taken off the table again.
She’d better not talk about it so much, he suggested. She has her circle, so she is allowed to go there once a week. But it’s better not to tell anyone. Maybe take a week’s vacation, get back to normal. Topic closed.
Now she’s sitting there and she realizes that she can’t do it anymore. She realizes that the part of her that wants to live now is open, big and free! But what should the neighbors think?
And your customers at the savings bank? Your boss? The other moms at school? None of this is possible …
And if it does?
Until one of her spiritual companions told her that it was possible after all. Because there is no other way. You can’t spend your whole life suppressing the biggest and strongest part of you just because you think someone doesn’t want you to.
Well, of course you can, but it will first torture you and then kill you. Literally. Cancer, for example, is predominantly based on the suppression of one’s own parts. Depression anyway.
So what did she do, Petra? She plucked up all her courage and started talking openly about the fact that she is a healer. First with other mothers, then in clubs and then at work.
Phew … tough stuff … she thought
And what happened? Nothing! Sure, a few people looked at you funny, but so do they if you drive the wrong car, like cats instead of dogs or dogs instead of cats, or dress your kids in clothes that are too colorful.
But that was the most dramatic thing that happened to her. On the contrary, she received an incredible number of positive reactions and often even “oh you too, I can also do xyz … I’ve also been to the shaman … do you know healer abc from the neighboring village?” and so on.
Even the customers at the savings bank talk to her about it. Not to call them stupid, but because they are looking for advice and help or simply want to share their own spiritual experiences.
And her husband now accepts it too. He was just uncomfortable at first, he’s only human and a graduate engineer, so he’s more of a guy with facts and figures. But that is no longer an issue for him. He just has a healer for a wife. Nobody really cares these days.
Well, what do the neighbors think?
Mostly nothing at all. At least not about you. They have their own topics to think about.
This fear of being rejected, ridiculed, perhaps even punished goes back a long way. Think back to your childhood. Were you taken seriously? Or were you that child with the “vivid imagination”?
Were you allowed to be as you were, or were you expected to function? That you “adapt”? That you shut up?
And then go back even further. How did your parents grow up, like your grandparents? Were children taken seriously back then? Spiritual children even? Sometimes there are ancestral patterns behind them that go back tens of generations. And you stand there and suffer from these patterns, even though it’s not necessary.
Now, as an adult, you are no longer dependent on someone liking you. It’s just the old pattern inside you that’s still crying out for love. Time to change that, what do you think?
Because when you do, you’ll realize that there are a lot of people out there who love you just the way you are, precisely BECAUSE of who you are. And spiritual abilities are much more widespread than you think anyway.
At the time, I was amazed at how many shamans there were. Like sand by the sea. Look at how many meditation circles there are, how many offers, how many healers. The moment you appear in all your power, you will realize that you are not alone at all.
So, what are you waiting for? Show yourself! Now! The world is waiting for you.
I have accompanied countless people on this journey. Once these patterns of obstruction are released within you, you will realize how much energy you have been holding back. And you’ll notice that this is definitely not an issue for your neighbors, nor for your partner.
Write to me right now and let’s get going:
Your favorite shaman
Love magic. Does it work?
It sounds tempting. Are you really in love with someone, but they don’t pay any attention to you? Or does he just want friendship? You could run up and down the walls, but he or she just doesn’t want anything from you? A love spell would be just the thing, at least it sounds like a great solution, is that possible?
Questions upon questions. But first things first, because there is some confusion. Not only with love spells, but generally with regard to applied magic.
Is that generally possible?
A clear yes. It is definitely possible to use “black” magic to influence people, even against their will, and make them do things they would not otherwise do.
But why then a “yes” and not a “no”? Because it’s not as easy as it sounds. Using black magic in such a way that someone actually acts against their actual will is not something that can be done with a spell or a magic potion. Not even with the famous “evil eye”.
This requires immense energy, a lot of time and of course you have to have the skills to do it. It’s like a duel. You have to fight it out man against man or woman against woman until you have defeated your opponent. Or he you.
Anyone who has ever tried to magically influence a person will have quickly realized how incredibly exhausting it is. Because even if the person is unaware of it, their system will fight back. And nobody can promise you that you have more power than your opponent.
Black magic against humans is therefore a very strenuous process that takes a lot of time and the outcome is highly uncertain. Of course, you can also hire someone to do this for you. But it will cost a lot of money and certainly won’t give you any guarantee that the campaign will succeed.
It’s a bit like hiring a contract killer. First you have to find one, then you have to be able to trust him (who trusts a contract killer?) and then he has to be successful.
Do you even want that?
Back to the love spell. Now you might be so desperate that you’ll go to the trouble or pay someone a lot of money to put up with it.
The spell is started and it actually works. Your dream partner is interested in you, maybe you can even catch them. And then you are with a person who is under a spell that they cannot escape.
Let that sink in. Feel deep into it. Is that what you want?
Do you want to bind a person to you against their will? Is that your idea of love or partnership? You are with someone who may neither like nor respect you. With someone who follows a compulsion and acts like a puppet. As long as the spell works. But it won’t do this forever unless you keep renewing it. For the rest of your life. What happens to your children if you have any? What energy do they take for their lives? Think it through to the end.
By the way, these are exactly the questions I ask when someone wants me to do a love spell. Most of the time, the request is then a thing of the past anyway, because on closer inspection, the use of such magic is pure bullshit. This leads to nothing but coercion and suffering. On both sides. So if you’re planning to ask me: No, I don’t do that!
But I am happy to work with you on the reasons for your despair. There is often something completely different and much deeper behind it.
Types of such spells
Word or symbol magic
A very common type of magic is word magic or symbol magic. This also includes sigil magic, which I have already written about several times, for example here:
Words and symbols are powerful signs that can have an enormous impact. This does not mean a “magic spell” ala Harry Potter, it takes more than just a spell. But words are very powerful and even more so when they are sent into the universe packaged in symbols.
This makes it possible to influence relationships, processes, energy, projects and indeed people. But there is a very fine line between clean magic that benefits those involved and black magic that deliberately harms someone.
And be careful! It will always work. So think very carefully beforehand about what you want to achieve and what you don’t want to achieve. As a layman, it’s best to keep your hands off them before you burn them.
Love potion
It’s quite simple in novels. All you have to do is give your victim a love potion and you’re good to go. Apart from the fact that it’s difficult to get hold of toad slime, fire salamander warts or unicorn powder these days, that’s nonsense. Love potion doesn’t work unless there’s a lot of alcohol in it, but that’s a whole other story.
Magic items
This is a variant of black magic that is particularly perfidious. It is sometimes even used unconsciously, although the effect does not always have to be particularly strong.
This technique works via gifts. Yes, that’s right, presents. Someone gives you a present. This could be for a birthday or any other occasion. Ideally, you’ll be happy about it because it might be a nice or useful gift.
Maybe something you put in your living room or an object of daily use. And this is how the “magician” establishes a connection to you. Which basically happens with all gifts. It connects you with each other. Which is also nice.
Only not if the other person is a magician who wants to force you to do something. In this case, he will immediately use this connection to manipulate you. You don’t realize it at first, but the gifts (there will always be several) start to annoy you or make you feel bad.
You’ll realize that you don’t actually want them. But you can’t get rid of them either … If you’re thinking about the super cool vase from your mother-in-law that you can’t banish, you might not be thinking completely wrong. Just think about it more carefully …
Incidentally, this is often used to gain control over your children, sometimes by relatives, sometimes by companies. They call it marketing, but what is it really?
Are you affected?
Are you afraid of being affected by such a spell? This does not have to be a love spell in particular, any other form of manipulation is also conceivable.
But let’s stick to the example. How do you realize that you are the victim of a love spell? Do you realize that?
A resounding yes. You will definitely notice it, but perhaps not immediately. It’s as if you’re carrying your own personal black storm cloud around with you. You are with someone, but being together feels like playing with a bomb where you don’t know where the detonator is.
There is a fear in the room, a darkness, a compulsion. You will have stomach pains, you will feel ill. You won’t be happy. Now, of course, this can also be the case without a spell, so you have to be careful. Your own unconscious issues, beliefs and behavioral patterns can also put you in such a situation. Some people have spent half their lives walking in the wrong direction of their own accord.
As a layperson, it is difficult to recognize the difference between your own issues and external action. If you are unsure, ask me. I can see that, that’s my job.
What you can do
The good news is that you can break such a spell. Maybe not yourself, if you are the victim of it. But it works. I can do that for you.
Even if it is your own (unconscious) issues that have put you in your situation, they can be resolved. This sometimes takes a bit of effort and time, but it’s worth it for you.
Do you have any questions or do you feel affected? Then write to me:
Your favorite shaman
Basically, a belief is an assumption about ourselves, other people or contexts. These assumptions are based on life experiences, opinions of important reference persons, news or they come from the cultural context.
This is not fundamentally bad, we humans actually need it to find our way in the world and to filter the information we receive. Without beliefs, we would simply be overwhelmed by the abundance of perceptions because we would have to re-evaluate all information from scratch again and again.
Beliefs work in the subconscious and filter all our perceptions even before we become aware of them. In this way, we already make assumptions before we have consciously dealt with a topic.
Everyone does that, has to do that to be able to function.
As long as the result of this filter is positive for us, nothing needs to be changed. It becomes difficult with blocking beliefs that prevent us from making the necessary changes to ourselves and our behavior.
Why don’t I know anything about it?
The really nasty thing about beliefs is that you know nothing about them. Blocking beliefs are like programs on your computer that you have neither installed nor want to have there. They are on and working in the background without you noticing them.
At the end of the day, the whole operating system does nothing else, but the blocking beliefs are the parts of the software that keep giving undesirable results or crashing the computer altogether.
This can be malware, but also programs that originally did something useful but are no longer suitable for today’s use. Because they are outdated or you now have completely different goals.
This is how beliefs work. You didn’t consciously acquire them, but unconsciously adopted them. In childhood or even before you were born, from your ancestral line.
And since then they’ve been working inside you without you realizing it, they automatically start up again and again and practically trip you up.
What do beliefs do
They ensure that you react to certain questions, tasks and problems in the same unproductive way over and over again, as if automatically. Life has a task for you and you keep delivering the same, completely undesirable result. You can’t seem to help yourself.
Or someone says something and you fly off the handle. Over and over again. Without you being able to prevent it at that moment.
You want to get ahead professionally, but no matter how you do it, you always end up at the bottom. And looking back, you can’t find any reason for it.
Or you only ever get as far as a certain point professionally/financially and then you inevitably fail. Without you being able to find the reason for it.
Blocking beliefs seem to confirm themselves over and over again. They ensure that we make decisions during change processes that lead to failure and then confirm this with a resounding “I told you so”, “it always goes wrong”.
Examples of blocking beliefs
There are an extremely large number of them and they often exist several times in different gradations and nuances. Also in several levels one behind the other. And they are often much more subtle than the examples I list below. Therefore, this should only serve as food for thought and illustrate the sheer number and variety of possible blocking beliefs.
It has always been like this
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
An Indian knows no pain
All or nothing
It is more blessed to give than to receive
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks
No pain, no gain
Life is not a bed of roses
Idleness is the beginning of all vices
That should have been started a long time ago
You just have to get through it
Order is a must
A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do
Everything was better in the old days
I don’t want to get rich, but …
All that glitters is not gold
First work, then pleasure
You’re still too young for that
You get nothing for free in life
That has never worked for me
Love hurts
That’s way too dangerous
There must be a catch
The good Lord sees everything
Money corrupts character
I’m too old for this crap
Money makes the world go round
Today is not my day
You don’t understand that yet
Better poor and happy than rich and sick
One does not talk about money
One must suffer to be beautiful
There is truth behind some of these beliefs, not all of them are completely wrong or always blocking. The important thing here is to deal with it consciously. You can also consciously use a belief that you are aware of.
How do I resolve something like this
Basically, it sounds easy: you have to become aware of them. A belief can only work if it does so in secret. If you are aware of it, you can consciously take countermeasures. Because you can also consciously change conscious thoughts. But you don’t know anything about the unconscious thoughts …
In practice, it is not quite so easy to track them down; toxic beliefs are often intertwined on several levels and of course you first have to realize that there is one behind them at all. If you could recognize them so easily, you wouldn’t have any.
We absorb many of them with our mother’s milk, so to speak. If everyone around you is convinced of a certain fact, follows a certain pattern of thought and behavior, then you won’t even think to question it. Especially if they are your parents.
For example, if you are born into a family that has been making ends meet for generations through hard work and a lot of sweat, you will initially adopt the underlying beliefs. And then think and act just like your family. With exactly the same result.
If you live in an academic family or in a very wealthy business family, you will automatically adopt completely different patterns. And don’t question them for a long time because they are normal for you.
As long as things are going well for you, this is not necessary. That only comes when you realize that you are not 100% in your life. When you realize that you are living the life that others have set for you. Or when you realize that you are living patterns that are harming you, making you ill or simply don’t suit you (anymore).
Then you should look for patterns that you might be following even though they don’t make sense to you. The best way to do this is with outside help, because we don’t see the issues ourselves, we have so-called “blind spots”.
On this path you will realize that some of your thought patterns are so old that we have to track them down deep in your ancestral line and release them. Others are more recent, but just as persistent.
It’s a process that takes time, but it’s worth it. Because with every blocking belief that you uncover, you come one step closer to yourself and your life.
You virtually remove all the unwanted programs from your operating system and leave only those that you want and can consciously control.
Any questions? Get in touch via email:
Your favorite shaman
Natural! Natural beings, an overview
What is a nature being / nature spirit?
From a shamanic point of view, we are spiritual beings who have created a material world in order to incarnate in it. In other words, having an energetically dense, material body. There are many theories and opinions as to why we do this. My favorite assumption is that we want to gather experiences here that are not possible on a spiritual level.
A nature being is a spiritual being that is not incarnated in our extremely dense body, but is one level higher, so to speak. Not quite as dense, not a solid body, but still very close to our world.
Close enough to be there, to be noticed and sometimes to take action. Close enough to be a mediator, a helper, an advisor. But also a learner, because spiritual beings can and want to learn from us humans. Acting purposefully in the matter, for example.
A nature being is a spiritual being that appears to you in a form that can be attributed to nature. In contrast to a house spirit, for example, which is more likely to be located in a household or a family.
A nature spirit can be a goblin as well as a plant or animal spirit, an elf or a giant. Basically, the manifestation of a spiritual being is just that: a manifestation. On a spiritual level, there is neither time nor space and therefore no forms of appearance.
But we humans live in a material world and here we need a form to be able to imagine an entity. Very few of us can handle a pure form of energy. Shamanism therefore works with the manifestations of the entities.
How do you find them and work with them?
The shaman has a very basic method of making contact with spiritual beings of all kinds. The shamanic journey. Also known as a drum or trance journey. In such a journey, he specifically seeks contact with certain entities or asks questions to see who comes to answer them.
He is often accompanied by his spirit animals. Incidentally, they are not natural beings, but personal helpers. Even if they appear in animal form.
But the shamanic journey is not the only way to make contact with nature spirits. This often happens “on the side” in everyday life, especially in areas where there are many of them. Ireland is right up there, but so are Iceland, Scotland and regions with lots of nature and fewer people in general.
They can also be contacted in meditation and there are countless rituals for this. Certain times such as the Rauhnächte or other stations in the annual cycle are also particularly suitable. In the end, each person finds his or her own access to the beings that are in his or her vicinity.
Working with them depends a little bit on who you are and who they are. Nature beings are not always well-disposed towards us humans and they are certainly not always equally helpful. But neither are your neighbors and you deal with the Spirits in a similar way to your neighbors.
You are polite, introduce yourself, give before you ask for something and if someone doesn’t like you, you leave them alone. Ask for permission before you set up a ritual place somewhere or begin to work shamanically.
Ask permission before removing plants or parts of plants, before building, tearing down or altering anything. Especially with power plants such as elderberry, it is better to ask three times too often than once too little.
Assume that all of nature is animated. Even stones are natural beings. Try talking to them once, you’ll be amazed.
What natural beings are there?
Now it’s getting extensive. There were and are an incredible number of manifestations of spiritual beings and, of course, of natural beings. Each culture knows slightly different entities than the neighboring culture. Much has not been handed down and much has been summarized.
At the end of the day, you have no choice but to make your own experiences. But I would like to explain a few terms here because they are often used and are useful for an initial categorization.
Deva / plant deva / plant spirit
A plant deva is the spiritual being behind a plant, the soul of the plant, so to speak. Just as we humans incarnate as spiritual beings here in the material world, spiritual beings also incarnate as plants.
The reason for this is that you can communicate with plants on a spiritual level just as you can with people and animals. Incidentally, the word Deva comes from Sanskrit and means something like the shining ones, the radiant ones.
And so the plant devas were and are repeatedly described as radiant beings of light, sometimes also somewhat teasingly as little flower elves or forest fairies. But this is always just an idea, because spiritual beings in themselves have no physical appearance. Or, in the case of plants, the appearance of the plant as it stands before us.
Many people who collect medicinal herbs or harvest plants make contact with the plant spirit beforehand. They ask for permission and advice on how much they can take without causing too much damage to the plant. You can also gain valuable information about them by talking to a plant deva.
Herbalists often get their knowledge directly from the plants and not so much from books. This ranges from the use of certain herbs for certain diseases to detailed information on harvesting, preparation and dosage.
Sometimes well-meaning devas even actively help us. Whenever the exact herbs that we actually need shortly afterwards appear in our garden, seemingly of their own accord, because they are needed to heal an ailment.
This is why it is also not advisable to fight “weeds” too vehemently in your own garden. It’s better to communicate with them first or at least look up their effect and find out what they want to tell us. Perhaps afterwards we will be quite glad that they came to us.
Dragons are mythical creatures and come in various forms. While dragons in the Christian world are fire-breathing, sulphur-smelling and demonic creatures that are fought against, in Asia they are delicate beings of luck.
In a shamanic context, they often resemble demonic and evil dragons, but their character is more helpful to all those who are willing to accept their help. They are sometimes divided into the elements, so there are fire, water, air and earth dragons.
Elemental spirits
We speak of an elemental spirit or elemental being when a spirit helper is assigned to one of the four elements fire, water, earth or air. The term elemental being is therefore more of an umbrella term or serves to categorize.
Earth spirits include trolls, mountain men, elves, fairies, dwarves and gnomes. The water spirits include mermen, water women, nymphs, mermaids and mermaids.
Air spirits can be wind and storm, fire spirits can be found in fire. Both have forms that can rarely be described.
Elves are familiar from Norse mythology and Disney films. Although the image of the elves in the latter is very misleading. They are by no means little fluttering creatures that get into trouble with a squeaky voice.
Rather, they are powerful spirits who are not always well-disposed towards humans and are also known in Germany, England and other western countries in addition to Nordic mythology.
There are different types of elves, besides the bright and friendly light elves who are often described as benevolent and kind-hearted, there are the dark elves who live underground and appear rather dwarf-like.
The royal elves are a special genus, whose appearance most closely resembles that of the elves in “The Lord of the Rings”.
Fauns are known from Greek mythology and are also called satyrs. They are forest gods and are often described as having pointed ears, goat tails and curved noses. Incidentally, Pan, with his goat’s feet and horns, is a faun.
Fairies are certainly among the best-known natural creatures. They appear in countless mythologies and in the most diverse contexts. Unlike in classic fairy tales, fairies are very powerful beings. Not, as with the elves, little Disney fluttering creatures in the shape of girls.
Fairies are very large beings who live for a very long time and have very great magical abilities. They may or may not be well-disposed towards people. The benevolent fairies help people in need, usually appear in the form of beautiful women and can fulfill wishes.
Evil fairies, on the other hand, can cause great harm and are masters at deceiving people and getting them into situations they can hardly get out of on their own.
Anyone who encounters a fairy on a shamanic journey or in everyday life should always be respectful and polite. A disgruntled fairy can be very unpleasant.
The term goblin is mainly known in English-speaking countries, especially in Sussex. They are also called puck or pook. Goblins are quite similar to European goblins.
Goblins can be found in the mythologies of countless cultures. They are often tied to a particular house or to the people who live there. They like to get up to mischief and behave like poltergeists. They can change their shape.
As annoying as they are at times, they protect the house and their humans. Their jokes never cause serious damage. Goblins are good-natured and funny roommates who are much more powerful than they appear at first glance.
Nymphs are mainly found in Greek and Roman mythology. They are nature spirits that appear in female form and are usually young and beautiful. As nature spirits, they are mainly found at springs, streams and rivers, but also in the mountains and on trees.
Almost everywhere where nature is intact and where it is quiet. They are generally well-disposed towards humans, but they should never be underestimated just because they appear in the form of a little girl. The prosperity of a place often depends on the prosperity of the resident nymph. If it dies or goes away, the place dies too.
Trolls are mountain giants, known from Scandinavian mythology. Trolls embody the raw forces of nature and are correspondingly unpredictable.
Later, the actual trolls mixed with other creatures such as dwarves, goblins, fairies and elves. Which has made the troll more of an umbrella term. They are often depicted as ugly or misshapen, sometimes with only four fingers per hand.
They appear in countless legends and myths, but also appear during shamanic journeys.
Dwarves are usually described as small, often misshapen, human-like creatures. In most cases, the body proportions are not right, arms are too long, legs too short or stomach or head too big.
They are skilled craftsmen and can make many a magical item. They like to live far away from sunlight, underground or in dense forests. In the sunlight they petrify, some rocks could also be petrified dwarfs.
The gnome is an elemental being that is assigned to the element earth. Gnomes are often described as small and human-like. They are often located in mountainous regions. They are a bit like goblins or dwarves.
They are often regarded as guardians of great treasures, to which they sometimes grant access to selected people. Which is not good for these people if they become too greedy. Male gnomes are often described as ugly, while the women can be very pretty and occasionally seduce people.
Forest spirits
Forest spirit is a collective term for all creatures that can be found in a forest. Admittedly, this term is somewhat vague, because a forest contains almost all beings that can be found outside a forest, from plant beings (devas) to fairies, elves and dwarves to animal beings. Nevertheless, such a forest has a very special energy, which is why shamanic workers are always drawn there (and because of the peace and quiet, of course).
The Norns (nornir in old Norse) are female beings in Norse mythology who descend from gods or dwarves and determine the fate of humans. According to tradition, the Norns live at the root of the world ash tree Yggdrasil, at the source of Urd, the source of the fate of all people.
Originally there was probably only one Norne called Urd, but later three of them are mentioned by name: Urd (fate), Verdandi (the becoming) and Skuld (guilt), they thus correspond to the trinity that runs through many cultures, mythologies and religions, or they correspond to past, present and future.
The Norns are often called upon in matters of fate, during trance journeys or special rituals.
The term leprechaun comes from Irish mythology and in Ireland they are as numerous as they are – for the sighted – real. Leprechauns are elemental creatures and are most comparable to goblins.
They are generally friendly and also seek closeness to people. They like to be noticed and are very helpful. They support personal development, give advice and want to learn from people.
Especially how to create things, because this ability fascinates them, but they lack it. Of course, this is also due to the lack of material form. If you get involved with Ireland and open your mind, you will soon come into contact with entire leprechaun families.
What do I mean by that?
Go for it! Read everything you can find about nature beings, but you can only make real contact with them on a spiritual level. The journey there is worthwhile, because there is an incredible amount to learn from them.
If you have any questions, would like to be accompanied or need help with a specific being, please write me an email or use the contact form.
Your business depends on your energy
People react to what you ARE not to what you WANT.
Why do the human processes in your company thrive or fail?
How committed are your people to working for you (or against you)?
Which employees can you find and which can you keep?
How much micromanagement do you have to do and what does that do to your company?
How do you decide whether your customers follow your marketing strategy or not?
What is the reason for your suppliers’ behavior?
What does the success of your business depend on?
And how does all this relate to YOUR energy? With what you really are behind your material appearance? With your “higher self”, your “soul”? However you choose the terminology, the principle is important. To understand and implement it.
Energy? Not tangible, what is that supposed to be? After all, a business is based on facts, on markets and on every employee simply doing what they are supposed to do. It has always been like that and it will always be like that.
This is also true, but only half the truth. Let me try to explain what I mean:
To understand how this world works, you could take a step back for a test. Matter – and all matter – is created from energy plus an idea. If the energy is compressed accordingly, it becomes matter.
And this includes all connections that arise in the material world. We humans are created from this energy, everything we do, think and even our emotions arise from it.
And therefore also what we “are”. Our charisma, our actions, our entire being is created from energy. And so we interact with it all day long and when we interact with customers, employees, partners, etc., we interact with and about energy.
People react to energy. Exclusively!
People react to the energy of other people. People react to what you ARE not to what you WANT.
If you keep that in mind, it becomes clearer. Your business is also energy. And if you have created it, it is YOUR energy. That’s the way it is. Including your employees.
Of course, your employees are also energy, as are your customers. But they are in your company, in the overarching energy field that you have created and that you hold every second with your own life energy.
If your energy is clear, you are clear because you follow the movements from your center, your company is also clear. Then your employees are clear and so are your customers. Then everything is fine, then it runs. If the figures are right, of course.
But if your energy is not clear because you are unconsciously bending, not drawing on your full being, because your energy is distracted or partially blocked. Because unconscious patterns are at work in you, then your company is not clear either.
Admittedly, for you as a “seasoned” entrepreneur, the theory that your company depends on your energy is difficult to accept. You have learned to act on the basis of facts. And as I wrote above, that is correct. But that’s only half the battle.
Employees do not work for companies or goals. People work for people. And for sense. This also comes from people. Even if they don’t realize it, everyone gives their performance to support a person and thus their energy.
If your employees don’t work for visions, ideas, your business and certainly not for their salary, but for you and your energy … then the energy becomes very powerful.
Because it is your energy that influences your people positively or negatively. Who guides them and gives them meaning, a path. It is your energy that makes them do what they do. If you understand this, if you are absolutely aware of your SELF and if you use them … they will follow you everywhere. Employees, customers and suppliers alike.
From the field
The following examples are taken from my own work, but I have changed the names, companies and facts so that no one will recognize or be recognized.
Example 1
Small craft business with just a few employees. The problem was that employees had to be dismissed time and again because they were dishonest, cheated somewhere or even stole money.
Again and again, these were people who “crashed”, alcohol was often involved or other addictions. Time and again, the founder himself had to return to day-to-day business because he had to let someone go again.
And it didn’t happen just once, it happened again and again over the years. It was a real struggle. The owner of the business was a thoroughly honest and very hard-working man with a heart that seemed far too big.
He himself came from a difficult background, always fought his way through, always had to be hard on himself. He simply would not have survived otherwise.
He has built up the company and it is not doing badly. He has loyal regular customers and can almost choose who he works for. Everything would actually be great if it weren’t for the ongoing problem with dishonest employees.
He has tried a lot. Outsource the recruiting, do it yourself, let people try out, trust them, monitor them and so on. No matter what he did, it always led to the same result.
Until we looked at the issue together and then he, the owner, had this huge fight on his hands. The one he has always had to lead, not only to the outside world but especially against himself.
There was all this toughness, these demands on yourself, this “I’ll take on the whole world”. This always struggling alone, this “not being able to trust anyone”, from his childhood.
Something like that reflects the universe. If you have a fight inside you, you also have it on the outside and, if things go badly, in your company. The universe couldn’t help but constantly mirror this struggle to him.
Until we have worked on it and ended the struggle within it. Since then, the problem has gone away. Since then, he has not had to dismiss anyone. Because they work with him instead of fighting against him.
Example 2
Medium-sized company, more technical sector, 250 employees, owner-managed. Built up by the boss himself over many decades. He started the business back then because it had somehow presented itself and because he saw a need. And because he wanted to.
And the need was not only there then, it is still there now. The business itself is doing well, with a lot of regular customers and enough new customers to keep the company at the same size.
But the company is not quite running smoothly. Sales have been stagnating for years, nothing is moving. The boss has tried everything, advertising agencies, social media, YouTube, management consultants and so on. But it’s like thick porridge, nothing is progressing. The company is holding up, economically healthy but there is no progress.
The boss came to me about something completely different, a health issue. But that’s how we came across him, his life energy and his visions in life. And to his business. That just doesn’t want to grow anymore.
He couldn’t really answer the question of why he wanted to grow. Businesses are growing. But why his? Why does he lead it?
And that’s when it “clicked”. There was no more vision. There was no longer a strong “why” behind it. There was no energy left in it from his side. Not like before, when he really WANTED the company.
Now he doesn’t really want it anymore. And that has an effect, because without his energy, no matter how good his employees are, no matter how many advertisements the advertising company places, no matter how much a management consultant restructures, the company will no longer grow. Because it has grown through HIS life energy.
If this is gone, the company stagnates or even goes under. In extreme cases.
The solution in his case was the pure realization of the connection between the owner’s vital energy and the success of the company. The fact that he realized this alone showed him that it was time to retire. He finally sold the company because he couldn’t see a way to muster enough enthusiasm and energy after our work.
The company still exists today and is growing again under the new owners. And the boss also re-founded the company after we had developed a completely new vision together. A completely different industry and again very successful right from the start and with his full energy behind it!
What does such a job look like?
It’s basically about who you are. So who you really are, behind all the patterns and masks you have put on to function.
It’s about what you want to use your life energy for, where you really want to invest it. And that’s not always where you think you have to look. It’s about how you bring YOUR real energy back into the world. With the former power and your entire BEING behind it.
Often enough, we follow other people’s plans and ideas for decades and don’t even realize it. Because we are still successful. But there inevitably comes a point when we can no longer bend any further. Or what is missing.
And you can see that in your business. Because that depends on your life energy. Always.
In such cases in particular, there are topics that almost always play a role. Your ancestors, or rather the thought and behavior patterns you have inherited from them, are at the forefront. I have developed my own method of ancestor clearing for this purpose. A mixture of systemic work (NOT family constellations) and shamanic techniques.
Your childhood will almost certainly be an issue too, whether it was great or not. The first years of life in particular are formative and always completely unconscious. And, of course, a person develops over the course of their life. And then the original plan no longer fits and a new one is needed. Perhaps one that you haven’t even dared to see yet.
Go for it!
“Daring” is a good term at this point. You “dared” to set up or take over a company back then. Do you now dare to fathom the deepest foundation of yourself?
If so, let’s go. Even – and especially – when you can’t yet see the way.