Extra or leading actor?
This article is about a topic that can be a little “triggering”, as it puts its finger on a wound that is as old as humanity itself. Perhaps even older. It is about separation, about moving on, about duality, about very fundamental aspects of our being.
He just doesn’t get it!
Manfred is one of those people who have already achieved great things and is constantly working on himself to get ahead, to become more stable, to get even bigger. Manfred is an entrepreneur and one who takes his life seriously. He always was, even as a 6-year-old he was already the best soccer player in his age group.
He is someone who not only does what everyone else does, but who is constantly developing on a personal level in order to be better than everyone else. He does not want to decide whether he is “spiritual” or not. But he does everything he can to develop himself, to remove blockages, to invest in himself. And he is successful with it. Very much so. And he is awake, recognizes what is happening in the world, why it is happening and how he has to position himself so that it doesn’t happen to him.
His brother is completely different. After school, he did an apprenticeship rather listlessly and now he’s working in a company as an employee and that’s where he is now. From Manfred’s point of view, completely motionless. Work from morning to evening, Monday to Friday. Weekend beer and barbecue with the boys. The television tells him what to think and what to buy, neither of which is questioned.
Career? Nope, what for? Invest? Nope, what for? Any personal development steps? Nope, what for? Understand what is happening and then act? Nope, what’s happening? Nothing happens.
Manfred could almost despair
Do you know people like that? I don’t mean Manfred, but his brother? These many people who seem to behave like sheep, don’t seem to think, don’t seem to develop and are more or less apathetically at the mercy of life’s movements?
Do you sometimes feel like you want to shake these people until they finally move? Until they somehow, no matter how, just somehow develop? But they don’t do it and they don’t even see the need.
They run blindly into wars, into economic crises, into oppression, into ruin. And not only that, they sometimes hate you just for not running blindly somewhere. For maybe even trying to save them. They hate you, they laugh at you, they put obstacles in your way, they want to get rid of you.
But why is this the case and why do there seem to be so many of these people and so few of those who continue to develop? And why do you sometimes even have someone like that as a partner?
“Slightly” provocative
A valued colleague and friend of mine once referred to these people as “filler souls”.
Ok, admittedly, taken on its own, this statement could be seen as rather patronizing. But that’s not what she meant at all, not at all. Let me try to explain it.
It’s like in the movie
Let’s compare the world with a movie. In every feature film, there is one or a few main characters around whom the whole movie revolves. They have great adventures, achieve incredible things, look great and are adored by everyone. In short, they are the main actors.
But they are not alone, there are a few supporting actors and lots of extras who seem to be there just to walk through the picture at the right moment. Completely unimportant.
Right? No, they are not. Imagine an action movie with only the main actor. Running wildly, completely alone through an empty landscape. Imagine the old Rambo movies, only with Rambo.
Quite an embarrassing performance. That does not work. You can film lugworms mating while you’re at it.
With very few cinematic exceptions, there can be no feature film without supporting actors and extras. And if one of these extras can only be seen for a second on the other side of the street, this second is immensely important in order to give the main actor his stage.
Without the second of the extra, the second of the main actor doesn’t work. So who is more important, the extra or the leading actor? Exactly, both are equally important because one cannot do without the other.
Now let’s assume that we humans incarnate here in the material world from the spiritual world. Let’s assume that we do this again and again and that we do it to develop ourselves.
Let’s assume that we only created the material world in order to be able to develop in a material world.
What would happen if we all incarnated at the same time with the aim of personal development? Exactly, we would have a world full of main characters. That would work just as poorly as a feature film with only leading actors. Well, maybe a movie with only 20 Rambos would work somehow … but it wouldn’t make any sense.
So there have to be extras and my theory is that we therefore always need souls who incarnate as extras or filler souls. So that those who come here for development can do the same.
We probably take turns, everyone is an extra sometimes, everyone is the main actor sometimes. So there is no evaluation in it, no “better” or “worse”. It is simply the current position, which is probably already clear before we go into incarnation. From the point of view of the spiritual level from which we come, this is probably not really a judgment. Who should judge at this level? After all, this is a material construct put together by the material mind.
In practice
In the practice of material life, this means that you can neither “wake up” nor save an extra. What parts of the spiritual scene are always so keen to repeat, that the world must now “wake up” and that everyone should finally understand what it’s all about, is bullshit.
The coaching scene is no better when it claims that everyone needs a coach.
Anyone who is incarnated as an extra will also do their job as an extra. There’s no other way. He won’t hire a coach because he doesn’t want to change. The entire material world will not “wake up”, because that would be a movie in which all the extras would suddenly become the main characters, a movie with 7 billion Rambos. After that, it would no longer be a feature film, but a huge mess that nobody would want to see.
Who are you?
But now it’s getting exciting. Who are you? Are you an extra or a leading actor? And why do some people seem to start out as extras and only then become stars?
Well, the first question is quickly answered. If you were a statist, you wouldn’t be reading this article. Because then you would have no motivation to develop further, because that would not be your plan for this incarnation. Then I would be an “esospinner” to you and you would blaspheme about me over a beer or not even know of my existence.
So you are a leading actor. That’s an important realization, because maybe you don’t feel that way at all.
Maybe you feel more like an extra who has realized that everyone around him is an extra, but can’t make them understand that. Are you perhaps a “small employee” who sees that the world is sliding into ruin, but no one seems to understand you?
Do you feel like the only sighted person among blind people? Then you might be one of those actors who start out as an extra and become the main character in the course of the movie. Like someone who starts as a clerk in a company and then works their way up to become the boss. While his former colleagues remain clerks until they retire.
What are you doing?
Then change that. As soon as you realize that you are among extras, but that you are not one, you can start to change your position.
This is not always easy, because no incarnation stands alone. They are all connected to each other and you are also connected to your ancestors who were before you in this incarnation, in this movie.
And perhaps part of the development you have planned for yourself is to work your way up from the bottom. So this is not a malicious trap that fate has set for you, but part of your process.
Perhaps it is unavoidable that you virtually leave the people around you behind. That you drop them, hand them over to destruction. You may have to watch them drown in the crowd. That can be part of the journey. Just as someone who makes a career has to come to terms with the fact that his former colleagues are stuck at the bottom. But that’s their decision, their job.
If you stay a small employee because you love the other small employees so much, then you stay there. With all the consequences. But that’s not what you’re here for.
The fact that you are reading this article is also part of your process and if I offer to help you in this article, then that is also part of the process.
And yes, I can help you. I have walked the path myself and I have accompanied many people along the way. Now it’s your turn, you can keep trying to wake up filler souls and get crookedly angry. Or you can continue on your way. Even if it means seemingly leaving the filler souls behind.
It’s about you taking up your position in this incarnation. And it’s way up there, otherwise you wouldn’t have read this far. Even if it feels difficult or you are afraid of the path, get started. Take the first step. Step out of the crowd of extras and take up your position.