The great liberation
You finally want to get out into YOUR life, but you’re stuck? In the old rut, in the old environment? Do you see these happy, free and successful people and want them to be? But you don’t know how to implement this? Are you afraid of failure and condemnation because you let someone down? You don’t want to be selfish? Don’t know where to start? In short: Are there countless obstacles in your way?
Or are you already going your own way, but something keeps trying to pull you back? Are you lonely, do you feel guilty, can’t find security, no connection, are you unsure what you want and need? Is there a huge fear that keeps gripping you?
There is a way for you. The solution just lies somewhere else than you have been looking for. Most apparent obstacles are not based on real barriers but on artificial social constructs that you believe to be true because you know nothing else. And this is exactly where we come in to get you out of the old rut and into your new, radiant life.
Be “bad”, dare to LIVE
You finally want to go out into real LIFE
You want to represent YOUR interests instead of those of other people
You want to get yourself and your children out of the destructive system
You want to LIVE freely instead of working (for others)

Powerful toolbox for your individual path
We work 1:1 deep at the root of your primal fear
Duration approx. one year
Plus one year of “support”

We’ll sort everything out. Contact me
What you get
You really WILL DO things instead of regretting not having done them
We bring YOUR definition of freedom to the surface so that you can live it
Together we will resolve the deep psychological causes that are preventing you from moving forward
We track down the unconscious patterns that are constantly trying to pull you back.
We bring you into an energy in which you finally put your needs first and communicate this clearly. You will prevail.
We find and eliminate the psychological cause of these constant doubts and insecurity, of the loneliness we feel, of the brake pad.
How does the (German)Angst package work?
German fearThey really exist
A thousand reasonson the other hand
BullshitI tell you
DOMy approach
From a distance?How it works
How long?This is how long it takes
ImportantPlease read

Laugh? Or to cry?
You will laugh, but the term “German Angst” is not one of my own creations, rather it has become an international term when it comes to describing “the Germans”. Of course, he is not only referring to Germans.
Yes, Germans are considered to be unnaturally anxious, almost obsessed with irrational fear, which often leads to an exaggerated sense of security. Abroad, Germans are considered to be overinsured, overcautious, over-obedient and hesitant when it comes to making their own decisions.
It’s better to take out another insurance policy, book another course, do another apprenticeship, ask someone for advice than to surrender to life and move forward.
Sometimes this may make sense, but it prevents you from LIVING. And that is exactly what you are here in this world for. You can overcome this, let’s go.

But one person who speaks FOR it is enough
It is YOUR life, YOUR freedom and that is exactly the reason why you should go.
You’ve wanted to leave for a long time, but can’t? There are a thousand reasons not to. What are you supposed to live on, what will your family say, what if something happens? Do I still deserve help then, isn’t it my own fault?
And these reasons seem extremely real to you. “What am I supposed to live on?”, “How will my children feel about this?”, will I let my family down, will I be a traitor? What if I am lonely, what if my children are lonely? What if I fail and have to go back?
Or are you being hindered from the outside? You want to leave but your partner doesn’t. Or the (ex) partner prevents it? Do your children need you, or do your parents? You can’t let them down?
And what if you are really successful? Are you then “evil” or “selfish”?
And yes, these are all very real reasons why something doesn’t work. That’s the nasty thing about it. The unconscious beliefs create very real obstacles that seem insurmountable to you. But …

I’ll tell you what: most of the reasons against it are bullshit!
I did it myself and have been traveling with my family since the end of 2020. Without permanent residence.
And of course, it’s not a sure-fire success, of course there are challenges and not everyone will like you anymore. But honestly? The challenges are no greater than continuing to struggle through the system at home. Quite the opposite. The worst thing about it is your thoughts about what could happen … but never does.
There are already a lot of us. Families and single parents on the move who have been living alternative lifestyles for years or even decades. Children who are free learners and yet later become extremely successful (or precisely because of this?).
People who trust themselves and life and go their own way. People who no one understood for years, but who nevertheless moved on. People who are HAPPY.
It’s all about freedom and independence. Which doesn’t mean that you can then do “everything”. Rather, it means that you do what suits YOU and, above all, that you no longer have to do anything that goes completely against the grain.

What we achieve together
Now you’re wondering what a shaman of all people can do? I can see.
I can see YOU as you really are and, above all, I can perceive all the unconscious patterns working on a mental and energetic level that control you without you being able to do anything about them. Because you don’t even know them yet.
And I can not only see it all, I also know how to solve it. Because I’ve done it myself and because it’s been my job for over 10 years. And so, step by step, we are resolving this together.
We go deep into your ancestral line, 7 or 8 generations back if necessary. We look at traumas on a soul level, we develop YOUR vision of life. We illuminate and release all those beliefs that keep pulling you back into the old rut like a rubber band. We shed light on all the obstacles that seem so terribly real and expose them.
We bring you into your full power, in which you not only know who you are and what you want, but in which you can also clearly say what you want. You will go from dreaming to DOING and really go your own way.
You will push through your path even in the face of resistance and no one will dare to hold you back or judge you in the end just because you dare to go YOUR way.

How can this work remotely?
Work on the spiritual level can easily be done from a distance, as the spiritual world has no spatial dimension.

Take a year to do this
And then another one to move. That long?
Not really, if you think about how long you’ve been living with German Angst, right? Such a path is a process that takes time, because we will go very deep.
The material will need a little time to sink in and you will need time to implement it. The core work will be completed in about a year. After that, I will be available for one year to answer any questions or provide assistance.

Please read this carefully!
Before any misunderstandings arise here … YOU are going this way. I accompany you, guide you, help you, hold you when things get wobbly, give you the tools you need and sometimes push you in the right direction.
You don’t have to buy a pig in a poke!
So that you can get to know me and my work, you don’t have to decide on the whole package straight away. You are welcome to book the entry-level package first and THEN decide whether you want to go through the German Angst process.
Only then will it be clear whether the toolbox contains the ideal tools for you or whether you need something completely different.
Non-binding enquiry
You don’t have to buy a pig in a poke, normally our work starts with the entry-level package. Write to me about what you’re interested in and we’ll find the right path for you together. By submitting the following form, you are merely making first contact. You’re not booking anything yet, it’s just an enquiry. Or simply send me an email.