Gerhard Zirkel

Dissatisfied for no reason?

“I’m generally dissatisfied”, “always have been”, “there’s no solution, I don’t even know how to name the problem” … do you recognize yourself in such statements? Then read the following article to find out why, where it can go and what you can do about it.
Gerhard Zirkel
Gerhard Zirkel

Nothing happens without a reason. Nothing is as it is for no reason. But the issue is very widespread. The more opportunities our society seems to offer, the more people have a problem with the meaning of it all.

Reasons and solutions for the phenomenon of being dissatisfied/unhappy for seemingly no reason

Sometimes I can’t see the wood for the trees. Often when it comes to communicating with people I meet outside the context of my practice. So people from school, kindergarten or simply the neighbors.

I’m asked what I do, I say “shaman” and then people are usually interested. Many have an idea of spiritual and mental connections, some do not. But interest is almost always there.

Recently again. We talk for quite a long time and at some point my counterpart seems to be talking out of context:

“You work is all well and good, but not for me. I’m just generally unhappy, I always have been, no matter what I do, for no reason. Nobody helps me with that”.


Why do you think you have neither a reason nor a solution?

There is a huge belief in the room, no, actually two: “groundless” and “nobody can help”. But they are both connected, because as we know as part of our ultra-modern society, everything has to have a reason so that someone can help.

One that can be explained with reason or even measured with devices. Or determined in a study, which is even better. If this is not the case, there is no reason and then a person’s suffering is for no reason. Point. You can’t do anything, nobody can help you. Let him pull himself together. See also my article on head and emotional people

The reason has simply not been recognized,

because the search was carried out in the wrong place or, worse still, not at all. Because nobody is dissatisfied for “no reason”. How could that work? Dissatisfied is someone who lacks something. Who cannot live a part of himself, who perhaps cannot even reach a part of himself, who does not even sense his presence.

And if the person has consciously or unconsciously been told from an early age that there can be no reason for this, then they believe it and stop looking for a solution. He never comes to see me. Because he doesn’t even know that there is a reason and therefore a solution.

But what to do now?

It is often a milestone in your personal development when you realize that there is a reason after all. And that there are people who also see this and don’t immediately deny it.

Just the fact that there is a shaman who sees that there must be a reason for this dissatisfaction is worth its weight in gold. And as a shaman, I can actually see this clearly and vividly on a spiritual level.

And if you can actively search for a solution with the person, then that’s phenomenal.

It is no longer so important whether the process is perhaps exhausting, because even that is still less exhausting than continuing to be dissatisfied “for no reason”. It never stops on its own.

Where does this lead?

Working on such issues often leads deep into childhood and even further into the ancestral line. Often 6 or 7 generations back and sometimes even further.

A child comes into this world with all its potential and abilities and quickly realizes that it can’t do anything with a large part of it. Sometimes even because people are afraid and suppress it consciously or unconsciously. That they are rejected, bullied or even beaten for it.

And it’s often not even the parents’ fault, because they too were a product of their ancestors and their time and often had no choice but to only partially see their child.

This is a desperate situation for a child, because it is dependent on being accepted and cared for. And so it does what needs to be done and splits off all the parts of the soul that supposedly don’t fit into the world.

What remains is the part that works, that is pleasing, that is comfortable, that is successful, that does what society demands.

And this all happens completely unconsciously over two decades or even longer, because a child cannot yet understand what it is doing. By the time this understanding is possible, the parts are so well hidden that nobody knows anything about them.

And then this person is dissatisfied, even unhappy, and sees no reason for it.

My job as a shaman

My job is to help you find these parts again. To accept it, to live it. Because by now you are no longer a child. In the meantime, you may have some yourself and realize that you also have trouble seeing your children as they are.

But now you can live your shares … once you have found them.

To do this, we release the inheritance of all the blockages from the ancestral line, we do chakra work to restore the energy flow, we travel into the spiritual world and retrieve the hidden parts, we work on beliefs and all the tricky prevention mechanisms that have been built up over decades.

And then together we will find ways to live ALL of your parts to the full, which often results in true miracles. And in the end there is only satisfaction … with or without reason.

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